What is volume in stock market?

Authored by
Team Espresso
February 20 2023
5 min read

The word “volume” in the stock market carries a different meaning from that in general parlance. So, what is volume and its importance in the world of shares. We take a closer look:   

What is Volume in Trading? 

Trading Volume measures the total number of shares or contracts transacted during a specific period for a specified security. This comprises the overall number of shares transacted between a buyer and seller during the course of a transaction. 

Key takeaways of Volume in Trading 

The trade volume is a degree of the market’s activity and liquidity a set period.  

High trading volume indicates positivity vis-a-vis lower trading volumes, as the former indicates greater liquidity and better implementation. 

Volume tends to be highest near the market opening and closing and at the beginning and the end of the week.  

How does Trading Volume work? 

Each market exchange tracks its trading volume and provides volume data. The books of trade numbers are informed once every hour during the trading day. These hourly updates describe the trade volumes as estimations. The trade volume calculated at the end of the day is also an estimate. Final definite figures are conveyed the following day. Such calculations are required for determining the share market volume.  

Trading volume also informs stockholders about the market’s activity and liquidity. Higher trade volumes mean specified security for higher liquidity, better order execution, and a more active market for connecting buyers and sellers. When investors are uncertain about the stock market’s progression, commodities trading volume tends to rise. Overall, the trading volume is highest near the market opening and closing times on Mondays and Fridays. It tends to go lower during recess or before a break. 

Volume indicators 

Volume Indicators are crucial if you make decisions based on the volume of traded financial resources within a given period. Such parameters benefit you to amount to how much of a chosen monetary instrument has been credited. Moreover, it makes it likely to see how many agreements and CFDs altered hands. This is where online charts and patterns become the governing force in measuring trading volume. Technical analysts are well aware of such Indicators and their role when examining various ways and having a detailed market overview.  

Volume Indicators are basically of three types, and each of them represents a unique mathematical formula. This is visually planned on a trading chart or pattern. Because of this, a trader is advised not to consider a single flexible solution for every strategy.

The following lists the 3 volume indicators: 

On-Balance Volume:

Designed for beginners, OBV doesn’t require special skills or manipulations. It mainly depicts divergence and volume added or subtracted when the market finishes higher or lower.  

Features of OBV: 

On-Balance-Volume (OBV) is a procedural indicator of impetus using volume changes to calculate amounts. 

OBV can also foresee the bullish or bearish conclusion by exhibiting crowd sentiment.  

OBV also produces more dynamic signals than the green or red volume histograms generally found at the bottom of price charts by comparing with relative action. 

Calculate OBV 

If today’s closing price is higher than yesterday’s, then: Current OBV = Previous OBV – today’s volume. 

If today’s closing price is lower than yesterday’s, then: Current OBV = Precious OBV – today’s volume. 

If today’s closing price equals yesterday’s, then: Current OBV = Previous OBV. 

Klinger Oscillator:

Klinger Oscillator helps identify the area below or above the zero lines, making it possible to calculate the summation of buying and selling volume within a stipulated time.  

Calculations of Klinger Volume Oscillator 

Klinger Volume Oscillator is based on the difference between two moving averages known as Exponential Moving Average (EMA).  

If a shorter EMA is more significant than a longer EMA, the price is an uptrend. 

If a shorter EMA is less than a longer EMA, the price is a downtrend. 

Shorter moving averages yield additional recent price data relative to longer moving averages, which account for further data in the past.  

Chaikin Money Flow:

It is an adaptable short-time volume indicator. Such trading volume indicators are used to pay attention to the rising trading volume by traders.  

Advantages of Chaikin Money flow: 

CMF indicator can be used to spot an emerging indicator. Here, a rise above the zero line might show an emerging uptrend while a descent below the zero line might show an emerging downtrend. 

Traders use such CMF indicators to predict trend prediction and strength. When the trend is strongly bullish, CMF stays in positive territory, and in the case of a bearish direction, primarily negative. 

CMF can also form divergence, giving you the potential for a trend reversal. 

Guidelines for using Volume  

Follow the given guidelines for using any Volume-based Indicators: 

Trend Confirmation:

An increase in the price of commodities is widespread nowadays. However, when the price rises and the volume decreases, there may be a sign of a sooner reversal and a lack of interest in a particular asset. 

Keep an eye on volumes and Moves:

They represent sharp and fast price movement accompanied by a rapid volume rise. If you witness this kind of situation, the trend is likely to go to an end. 

Spot Bullish Signs:

When the price of any commodity is lower than its previous lower, then we can interpret it as a bullish sign, especially when it comes to the price decline in the face of increased volume.  

Overview Volume History:

Dealers get a chance to track market and price moves over a specific period and compare them with the current situation. We recommend using more recent dates, as they are supposed to be more relevant. 


You must have an idea about enhancing your trading and investing from the discussion. Trade Volume indicators will provide you with better decision-making and identify the market’s strong and weak points. However, this blog does not contain any investment advice, recommendation, or solicitation for any transaction in financial instruments.  

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