Straddle: Everything You Need To Know | Espresso

Straddle Explained

Numerous advanced trading tactics exist to aid investors in making money regardless of market direction. Some of the more complex techniques have become legendary in the field of options, such as iron condors and iron butterflies. They call for the intricate purchase and sale of many options with varying strike prices.

Published on 19 October 2022

The objective is to ensure a profit for the trader independent of what happens to the cost of the underlying stock, currency, or commodity. One of the most straightforward options strategies accomplishes the same goal of being unaffected by market fluctuations with far less work. The term "straddle" describes this tactic. It can be activated by purchasing or selling a single put and call.

What is a Straddle?

The purchase of a put option and a call option on the same underlying security at the same strike price and expiration date constitutes a straddle, a neutral options strategy. Straddles can be profitable or unprofitable, depending on market conditions.

If the underlying security's price moves up or down from the long straddle's strike price by more than the premium paid for the deal, the trader will make a profit. As long as the underlying security's price fluctuates dramatically, the potential gains are practically limitless. It is straddle meaning.

Straddles and Their Varieties

A straddle can be executed by simultaneously buying and selling options that have the same expiration date and strike price. The two variations of the straddle are as described below.

●       The Long Straddle

By utilising a long straddle, a trader has the ability to produce profits regardless of the direction in which the market goes. The market may either go up or down, or it could move sideways.

These are the three unique possible outcomes. It is exceedingly difficult to foresee whether the market will break to the upside or the negative when it is going on a trend that is sideways.

●       The Short Straddle

The short straddle meaning is that its most significant advantage also happens to be its greatest weakness. It's possible to make money from the premiums on put and call options by selling them instead of buying them.

Your bank account will be credited with the thousands of dollars spent by put-and-call buyers. An advantage of this magnitude would be welcome news to any investor. When selling an option, though, you take on unlimited liability.

Advantages of Straddle

●       Unlimited Profit Potential

Buying a call and put option at the same strike price increases the likelihood of profit with straddles.

Straddle option example is that if Facebook shares are currently trading at $300 per share, and you buy a Facebook strangle by purchasing a call and put option at the $300 strike price and paying a $10 premium on each option. Then the price of Facebook shares drops to $200 per share or rises to $400 per share as a result of positive results or bad, you'll

●       Very Low Danger

A further advantage of the straddle strategy is that an individual's absolute risk is capped at twice the premium paid for options. By multiplying the maximum allowable loss by the number of lots traded (100 in this case), we get that the maximum permissible loss is $2,000, or $20 per lot (or $10 for the call option and $10 for the put option).

●       Conscious Planning Before the Main Event

Traders use straddle when they do not have a clear understanding of the path that the market will take before a significant event and want to profit from the huge volatility that will follow the event.

Disadvantages of Straddle

●       Big movement in Price Required

The primary issue with straddles is that they require a significant change in the underlying price to be profitable, and without such a change, the value of the corresponding call and put options will be null and void.

Therefore, in the scenario mentioned above, this approach would be pointless from an individual's perspective if the price of a Facebook share remained between $290 and $310.

●       Premium Reduction

Another drawback of the straddle is that if the underlying doesn't change much, the investor loses the premium they put up to purchase the call and put options. Loss is loss, no matter how small, so in the above example, the investor stands to lose close to $2000 if Facebook's stock price doesn't change much.

●       Not a Good Fit in a Steady Economy

Only twice or three times a year do markets, or equities change by 10–20%, meaning that the straddle approach is not applicable most of the time. Because of their low volatility and sluggish price movements, defensive and dividend yield companies, for instance, are not good candidates for using the straddle method.


When it comes to straddle trading options, deciding whether or not to employ straddles requires first considering the perks and potential pitfalls of this particular approach. Even if this strategy has the potential to result in long-term gains, it is meaningless to use it if there is no obvious change in the stock price.

Chandresh Khona
Team Espresso

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